Congratulations IB Class of 2024!

We are so proud of YOU!
Nease International Baccalaureate Program

2025-2026 Applications
High School Showcase Event at World Gold Village: December 11th, 2024
Nease Academy Open House: January 22, 2025 from 6:00-7:30.
IB presentation will start 7pm in the PAC, with an opportunity to ask questions at the end.
Still Have Questions? Join current students, parents and alumni for a IB Student & Parent Panel, on January 23rd, from 6:00-7:00, via Teams. Click Here to Join!
All paperwork must be submitted on or before January 24, 2025 to be considered for application.
Dates, Deadlines and Steps to Apply 2025
Teacher Recommendation Form (Hard copy to provide to teacher)
Digital Access Link for Teachers (St. Johns County School District Students Only)-QR Code Below
(Must obtain 4 recommendations from current Math, Science, History and English teachers)
St. Johns County Registration Timeline for Programs of Choice
2025-2026 Course Progression
What is TOK (Theory of Knowledge)?
Nease IB Policies and Procedures
Internal/External Assessment Calendar 23-24
CAS Handbook
Nease Academic Integrity Policy & IB Honor Code
Effective Citing and Referencing
Language Policy
Assessment Policy
Inclusion Policy
Admissions Policy
IB Subject Briefs
Language A: Literature (HL)
Language B: Spanish (SL) & French (SL)
History of America (HL)
Psychology (HL/SL)
Biology (HL/SL)
Chemistry (HL/SL)
Physics (HL/SL)
Computer Science (HL/SL)
Math Analysis and Approaches (HL/SL)
Math Applications and Interpretation (HL/SL)
Film (HL/SL)
Visual Art (HL/SL)
Theory of Knowledge
CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service)
Extended Essay
Please see Guidance for College Visits!
Scholarship Opportunities
All Nease students (IB specific information can be found under Class of 2023 statistics) continue to perform above average on college admission tests. The graduating class of 2023 average score on the SAT was 1400 (EBRW 600, M 600). Their average composite score on the ACT was 30. Nease students have also earned recognition on their junior PSAT from the National Merit Scholarship Program:
National Merit Commended: 26, (2024); 22, (2023); 12, (2022); 15, (2021)
Nease’s graduates have been accepted to, are attending, and have graduated from many colleges and universities including:
American University | George Washington Univ. | UNC Chapel Hill |
Auburn University | Georgetown University | U.S. Military Academy |
Boston College | Georgia Tech | U.S. Naval Academy |
Boston University | Harvard University | University of Alabama |
Brigham Young Univ. | Jacksonville University | Univ. of Calif.- Berkeley |
Brown University | Johns Hopkins Univ. | Univ. of Central Florida |
Carnegie Mellon Univ. | MIT | University of Chicago |
The Citadel | McGill University | University of Florida |
Clemson University | Mercer University | University of Georgia |
Colgate University | New College of Florida | University of Miami |
College of Charleston | New York University | University of Michigan |
Coll. of William & Mary | N. Carolina State Univ. | Univ. of North Florida |
Cornell University | Northeastern University | Univ. of Notre Dame |
Dartmouth College | Northwestern University | Univ. of Pennsylvania |
Davidson College | Nova Southeastern Univ. | Univ. of Pittsburgh |
Drexel University | Ohio State University | Univ. of Richmond |
Duke University | Pennsylvania State Univ. | Univ. of So. Carolina |
Elon University | Princeton University | Univ. of South Florida |
Embry-Riddle | Purdue University | Univ. of So. California |
Emory University | Rollins College | University of Tampa |
Flagler College | Santa Fe College | University of Texas |
Florida A&M University | SCAD | University of Virginia |
Florida Atlantic Univ. | Sewanee | University of W. Florida |
Florida Gulf Coast Univ. | Southeastern University | Valencia College |
Florida Institute of Tech. | St. Johns River St. Coll. | Vanderbilt University |
Florida Int’l Univ. | Stanford University | Virginia Tech |
Florida Southern College | Stetson University | Wake Forest University |
Florida State Coll. at Jax | Tallahassee Comm. Coll. | Washington & Lee Univ. |
Florida State University | Tufts University | Washington Univ. in SL |
Furman University | Tulane University | Yale University |
Princeton University’s Dean of Admission Janet Rapelye stated:
“If the student has the opportunity to do the IB diploma, we really value the diploma,” Rapelye advised.
“…the most important thing is your high school transcript. Every college and university is going to evaluate first your transcript.”
College admission officers consistently state that they are looking for students who have completed rigorous
coursework and have been successful in their high school studies. There are many ways a student can work towards such recognition; however, Universities overwhelmingly acknowledge that completing the full IB Diploma Program qualifies as a highly rigorous educational program. We work with our students to make sure that as they apply to a University they are highlighting the benefits of the IB Program that make them such an attractive applicant.
students that choose to take advanced classes, such as AP courses, only the IB Diploma Program offers a comprehensive curriculum that is designed to cohesively work to provide a well-rounded college preparatory program. You can view the research, comments from Universities, and links below. It has been well documented how participation in an IB program helps set apart those IB students from their non-IB peers.
Nease offers the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program, which is chartered by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) in Geneva, Switzerland. IB is a very rigorous, two-year program of curriculum and service that meets the needs of highly motivated secondary students during their last two years of high school, by providing a comprehensive and integrated approach to learning. In addition, students take intensified courses in Grades 9 and 10 in English, foreign language, social studies, science, and mathematics, called Nease Pre-IB, in preparation for the rigorous college-level curriculum of the Grades 11-12 IB Diploma Program.
The primary objective of the IB Program is to provide a world-class education that prepares students with the intellectual, social, and critical perspectives necessary for college and the rest of their lives. The IB curriculum emphasizes and promotes a persistent curiosity, critical analysis and creative synthesis in a broad range of subject areas. Students earn a full IB Diploma by passing internationally set and graded exams along with internal assessments in six subjects, and in addition, completing an original research requirement (Extended Essay), completing the Theory of Knowledge course, and fulfilling the creativity, activity and service component (CAS). For more detailed information on IB see:

Facts About Nease IB
Est. in 1996
- First graduating class was in 1998.
- Admission is competitive, drawing from the entire county.
- 86 students graduated in 2024, making a total of 1,830 Nease IB graduates in 27 years.
- Currently, 379 students are enrolled in the program: 79 Seniors, 83 Juniors, 119 Sophomores, & 97 Freshman.
- All 162 Seniors and Juniors are full diploma candidates
- 50% of parents & 57% of grandparents are originally from foreign countries.
- Number of IB Students (graduated seniors): 90
- Average SAT Score: 1400 (RW 700, M 700)
- Average ACT Score: 30 (Composite)
- Average GPA: 4.35 weighted
- IB Tests Passed: 94%
- IB Diplomas Earned: 95%
- Accepted to over 108 Colleges and Universities
- Attending 23 Different Colleges and Universities
- Offered over $2.8 Million in College Scholarships
In 2024, Nease Diploma students (11th & 12th) achieved a 94% pass rate on IB exams with 151 students taking a total of 739 exams in 23 subject areas. On the IB exams, they averaged a 5.02 score on a 7-point scale. Combined results from the last 5 years are shown below.
Test Subject | Tests Passed | % |
HL English | 435/435 | 100% |
HL/SL French | 48/49 | 98% |
HL/SL Spanish | 371/372 | 99% |
HL History of America | 427/436 | 98% |
HL Psychology | 175/184 | 95% |
SL Psychology | 186/207 | 90% |
HL Biology | 42/44 | 95% |
SL Biology | 143/145 | 99% |
HL Chemistry | 21/22 | 95% |
SL Chemistry | 140/156 | 90% |
HL Physics | 11/14 | 79% |
SL Physics | 104/122 | 85% |
HL Analysis & Approaches SL Analysis & Approaches | 112/119 | 94% |
HL Application & Interpretation SL Application & Interpretation | 23/27 | 85% |
HL/SL Film | 76/84 | 91% |
HL/SL Computer Science (Year 4) | 78/112 | 70% |
HL/SL Art | 20/24 | 83% |
IB Exams | 578/611 | 95% |
IB Diplomas | 416/436 | 96% |
This bulletin published by the IBO contains summary statistics from the May 2024 examination session.
IB and AP Testing Calendar
9th and 10th graders: In order to document community service hours, please have a letter written on letterhead from the organization where the hours were completed. The letter should include student’s name, dates of service, number of hours, and type of activity, supervisor’s name and supervisor’s contact information. Turn in verification to Mrs. Kennedy who will document for the Bright Futures Scholarship. Remember you will need 100 hours of service by May 1st (of your senior year) to qualify for the Bright Futures Scholarship.
11th and 12th graders: CAS learning experiences should be approved through Managebac, prior to completion.
Summer Learning Opportunities 2024-2025
Please make sure you look carefully as to which assignments are to be completed for each course. If you have questions, please email Mrs. Kennedy. All summer learning opportunities are required.
Math | |
Science | |
English | None |
History | AP World History (c/o 2028) AP U.S. History (c/o 2026) IB History of America (c/o 2025) |
Foreign Language | IB French 4 (optional) |
TOK | IB Seniors (c/o 2025) |
Electives | |
Optional | Summer Reading (visit the Nease media center page) |
What Colleges are Saying About the IB Learner Profile