Please use the Nease College Handbook, located on our Guidance Schoology Page for detailed instructions.
These general rules will apply to all college and university application procedures. The most important thing to remember is to be sure to check procedures at the various schools to which you are applying.
Quick Facts for College Application Procedures
- Remember: Most colleges prefer online applications. Obtain applications from schools to which you are applying by November 1 and complete the application in its entirety.
- Nease High School Transcript Requests forms are in student services (C Pod) or here. Transcripts have a $2.00 fee and take between 24 – 48 hours to be processed. Fill out the form and give to the guidance secretary in C-Pod.
- All applications require an application fee and this should be submitted with your completed application. If you apply online this fee can be paid with a credit card or mailed directly to the college or university.
- Most college applications require an essay. The college essay is a critical factor at most colleges. Follow directions, stay on topic and proofread.
- It is courteous to give at least a two week notice to any person from whom you are requesting a recommendation. It is also courteous to provide them with a stamped addressed envelope if universities are using the postal system. This procedure also applies for colleges that have their own recommendation forms.
Important Facts to Remember
- Early Decision is binding. If you are admitted under an Early Decision Program, You must withdraw all other college applications. You should only apply Early Decision, if that college is truly your first choice.
- Early Action is not binding. You will just be notified at an earlier date.
- Rolling Admission mean that applications are evaluated and acted upon as they are completed.
- Upon admission to any college, other than Early Decision, you have the right to defer your decision until May 1.
- ACT’s are given at Nease on designated Saturdays. Prior registration is required. You can register online for SAT at or ACT at You may also pick up a registration packet in the Guidance Department. Our school test code number is 100729.
- SAT ll’s are required by some schools for admission and/or placement purposes. Be sure to check at the schools to which you are applying to find out their requirements.
- You are allowed five excused absences due to college visits. Be sure to sign up via Naviance and print the confirmation page to use as your pass to leave class. Most college visits take place in the media center classroom.
- Pay attention to deadlines! There are many deadlines in the college admission process! Don’t let missing an important deadline effect your enrollment.
- Refer to the List of Scholarships on the Nease website under Guidance.
- Most scholarships are available online. Use the link above to reference the scholarships available.
- Contact the financial aid office of the colleges to which you are applying regarding their scholarships.
- Apply! Remember, no amount is too small.
Bright Futures Scholarships
- NCAA High School Eligibility Presentation
- Nease Student Athlete Guidance Presentation
- Guide for College-Bound Student-Athlete
- Division I Fact Sheet
- Division II Fact Sheet
- NCAA 3 Divisions Resource
- NCAA Registration Checklist
- NCAA Eligibility Brochure
- Probability of Going Pro
Community Service Hours
Service hours should be submitted on letterhead from the place you performed your service. Letters must include your name and number of hours you completed as well as the start and end date of the service performed. Remember to make a copy for yourself and turn the letters into your counselor. Florida Academic Scholar/Bright Futures requires 75-100 hours. There is not a service hour requirement for graduation. All service hours are due to your counselor no later than January 15th.
College Visits at Nease
College visits are posted in Panther Press and on Wired. You can sign up for visits through Naviance. Stay Alert!