Course Review Process:
Course requests will available via Home Access (HAC) before the student’s registration appointment for the year.
Students may request to change elective courses until May 24th, 2024 using the automated link, here.
This includes:
- requests for modified schedules for seniors and juniors.
- requests for virtual courses both on and off campus.
- requests for Dual Enrollment courses.
Students may request to change core courses that meet graduation requirements until 11:59pm on July 17th, 2024. Course requests are always visible in the student HAC account. The requests and schedule are updated as administration works through the automated link throughout the summer. In later July, the student schedule will be viewable in the student HAC account to view for a period of time. Once this becomes available again, students will be able to submit a Course Review until the July 17th deadline.
New students need to bring transcripts and standardized test scores to their registration appointments so that correct placement is made.
Course Schedule Review:
Once schedules are released, students may change a course using our automated Course Review link for the following reasons:
- The student is in a class for which he or she has already received a passing grade.
- The student is missing a class he or she needs for graduation.
- The student is missing the next course in the progression from a course already taken. (For example: You took Spanish 1 last year, but Spanish 2 is missing on your schedule.)
- Dual enrollment course time conflicts with NHS schedule.
*All other requests will be reviewed on a case by case basis but will denied if they do not meet the above criteria.
The following requests will NOT be honored:
- Teacher change requests will not be honored unless the student previously earned a D/F with that teacher.
- Students may not drop a class to take the same class through a virtual school.
- Students may not request changes to class period
Transferring out of Honors or AP Courses During the School Year
Students may request a course transfer at the end of the semester, only if all the following conditions have been met:
- a grade of D or F
- completion of a parent conference
- demonstration of the student seeking consistent academic assistance throughout the semester, and
- space available in a comparable course
If a student is enrolled in a half-credit course, the student may request a schedule change at the end of the quarter and only if all the following conditions have been met:
- a grade of D or F
- completion of a parent conference,
- demonstration of the student seeking consistent academic assistance throughout the 9 weeks.
- space available in a comparable course
Additional Parameters:
- Transferring from a standard level course to another standard level course will not be permitted because it is not a level change and would be considered a teacher preference issue.
- Students may not drop a class to take the same class through virtual school.
- Placement based on FSA/EOC scores may supersede request.
- Requests will be honored based on availability.