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Research DOs and DON’Ts

How to Write Super Research Papers!




Looking for a specific book in our media center? You can access our media center online card catalog from any computer or device.  Just access Destiny – our school and district online card catalog.  You can find any book you are looking for in our school library or any other school library in our district!

O.K.  I’m ready to start researching!!  Now what?????

Purdue University has an outstanding “writing lab” that can help with just about any writing dilemma.  Check it out!


Electronic resources

Googling is NOT researching! 

What’s the difference?  Googling is soooooo much easier!! 


word:  panthers                   gale-web.png

                                                                 Password:   panthers 

We have also purchased a subscription to JSTOR, which many universities utilize for their students.  Please see Mrs. Milian for the username and password!

Username: allendnease (case sensitive)                      jstor logo

Password: panthers (case sensitive)

As a student in the state of Florida, you also have access to ALL these databases for FREE!  When you get to website, select “High School” from the 6 boxes available and search for what you need!


These are some FREE electronic resources/databases available for all our students as they conduct academic and scholarly research.

St. Johns County Public Library (you must have a valid public library card to have access to their many databases and electronic books and resources)
The Florida Electronic Library– search through several databases for books, magazines, articles, newspapers, and more.  ALL FREE!

  • FLA-PASS – The FLA-PASS program provides Florida’s public high school students in accelerated educational tracks access to a subset of online resources used within Florida’s State University College systems.  This database resource is for all students enrolled in IB or AP courses.  To have an account created, please see Mrs. Milian.
    Google Scholar   Instead of “Google”, Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. From one place, you can search across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites.

Hey Mrs. Milian! What’s a “boolean search”???? 




When using websites, follow the 5ws of website evaluation created by Kathy Schrock.  She REALLY knows what she’s talking about!  girl-smiley-faceDon’t use web sites that have:
Incorrect spelling and incorrect information!
Don’t use web sites that have a tilde ~ in the URL (these are most often posted by a college student. For example:
**Be careful when using Wikipedia! This information can be edited by other users.


These are most of the URL endings you will find throughout your online research:

• .gov = Government Web Site
• .edu = Educational Web Site
• .org = Special Interest Groups (intended for non profit groups)
• .com .net .biz = Commercial Web Sites (use these with caution)
• .name = Personal Web Site (Do Not Use!)

Watch out for FAKE NEWS!!!  

 Refer to these sites to verify the validity of some sources/claims:

Bibliography/Works Cited/Resources
In your paper, you must credit all the sources from which you gathered your information to avoid plagiarism. This is called citing your sources.

At the end of your paper or your project you will have a Works Cited page. This will list all the resources, both print and electronic, that you used for your research.


Two great tools that will help ease your mind for creating your “Works Cited” page, no matter what format you use:


And finally…..PLEASE be careful when you’re typing your paper, and don’t plagiarize!
Say it in your own words!
Put quotation marks around someone’s words when you copy them directly into your paper.

Here are 2 short, very informative little videos that will help you understand whether or not you are plagiarizing and how to avoid it.
