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Faculty and Staff Directory


Mrs. Fonseca
Principal Email
Mr. Abbs Assistant Principal – ESE 11th & 12th, Discipline, Math, History Email
Ms. Newman Assistant Principal – Guidance, AP Testing, MTSS/RTI, English, Reading Email
Mr. Duggan Assistant Principal – ESE 9th & 10th, Attendance, Science, World Language Email
Ms. Kennedy Registrar & IB Coordinator Email
Ms. Combs Academy Program Specialist – Academy Website & Intern Website Email
Mr. Mastoridis Athletic Director Email
Ms. Monaco Maintenance Coordinator- Facilities Email
Ms. Cornelius Executive Secretary Email or (904) 547-8302
Deputy Drake Youth Resource Deputy Email

Dean’s Office

Ms. Hendrix Dean Email
Mr. Teuscher Dean Email
Ms. Burney Dean Email
Mr. Babineau & Mr. Hatcher ISS

Front Office and Support Staff

Ms. Cioffi Bookkeeper Email
Ms. Bentley Cafeteria Manager Email
Ms. Raymond Athletic Trainer Email
Ms. Difato Front Office Receptionist Email or  (904) 547-8300
Ms. Aberdeen Registered Nurse Email
Ms. Davis Athletic Secretary Email or (904) 547-8318
Ms. Godzich Copy Clerk Email
Ms. Solms Copy Clerk Email
Mr. Von Hagen Technology Support Email
Ms. Mullen Computer Operator Email
Ms. Aldana Attendance and Computer Operator Email
Ms. Paventi Guidance Secretary Email
Mr. Majeskey & Mr. Hope Parking Attendants

The Academies of Nease High School & NJROTC

Mr. Arias Stellar Academy of Engineering Email
Ms. Amato Academy of Hospitality and Tourism Email
Mr. Beale Stellar Academy of Engineering Email
Ms. Moussawel Communications Academy- TV Production Email
Warrant Donato NJROTC 4 Email
Gunny Hanson NJROTC 1, 2 Email
Ms. Soto Communications Academy- Digital Design Email
Master Chief Spears NJROTC 3, 4 Email
Mr. Stephens Communications Academy- Sports Media Email


Mr. Binns Language Arts Email
Ms. Bourquin Journalism, Film, Newspaper Email
Ms. Buck Language Arts Email
Mr. Coe Creative Writing, Theater Email
Mr. Coghlan Language Arts Email
Ms. Cowart Language Arts, Yearbook Email
Ms. Crouch Language Arts Email
Ms. Gallagher Language Arts Email
Ms. Geiger Language Arts Email
Ms. Goodman Language Arts Email
Ms. Lewis Language Arts Email
Ms. Morrison Language Arts Email
Ms. Murphy Language Arts Email
Ms. Russell-Michael Language Arts, Instructional Literacy Coach Email
Ms. Skinner Language Arts Email
Ms. Strauss Language Arts Email

Exceptional Student Education (ESE)

Ms. Calvo ELL Para Professional Email
Ms. Coughlin ESE Teacher Email
Ms. Davis ESE Teacher Email
Mr. Gurowski ESE Teacher Email
Mr. Hatcher ESE Teacher Email
Mr. Mason ESE Teacher Email
Ms. Mietzner ESE Teacher Email
Mr. Offenbacher ESE Teacher Email
Ms. Richardson ESE Teacher Email
Ms. Ryan ESE Teacher Email
Mr. Waterman ESE Teacher Email
Ms. Tierney ESE Clerk Email

Fine Art, Performing Arts, Career and Technical Courses

Mr. Burger Business Email
Ms. Machovec Sports Marketing Email
Mr. Morris Computer Science Email
Ms. Chaffin Band Email
Ms. Sharma Computer Science Email
Mr. Smith Visual Art Email
Mr. Sobol Visual Art Email

World Language

Ms. Blankenship Spanish Email
Ms. Delpuech French Email
Mr. DiBernardo Spanish Email
Mr. Espinosa Spanish Email
Ms. Gilbes Spanish Email
Ms. Koenig American Sign Language
Ms. Lust Spanish Email
Mr. Padilla-Hernandez Spanish Email


Ms. Alfano School Counselor, Alpha A-G Email
Ms. Baloga School Counselor, Alpha H to O Email
Ms. Thompson School Counselor, Alpha P-Z Email
Mr. Hoffman School Counselor, IB Students Email
Ms. Marshall Student Advisor Email
Ms. Messenger Testing Coordinator, Testing Info Email
Ms. Paventi Guidance Secretary Email or (904) 547-8321


Ms. Bertram Math Teacher Email
Ms. Carlos Math Teacher Email
Mr. Carter Math Teacher Email
Ms. Fifield Math Teacher Email
Ms. Gebauer Math Teacher Email
Mr. Hanson Math Teacher Email
Ms. Heinz Math Teacher Email
Ms. Love Math Teacher Email
Ms. Thompson Math Teacher Email
Ms. Townsend Math Teacher Email
Ms. Ward Math Teacher Email
Mr. White Math Teacher Email
Ms. Williams Math Teacher Email

Media Center

Ms. Milian Media Specialist Email
Ms. Patterson Media Para Professional Email

Virtual Lab

Mr. Garth Virtual Teacher Email

Physical Education

Mr. Accetta Physical Education Teacher Email
Mr. Drafts Weight Training (Football) Email
Ms. Fought Physical Education Teacher Email


Mr. Arribas Science Teacher Email
Ms. Chambers Science Teacher Email
Ms. Fagan Science Teacher Email
Mr. Harrison Science Teacher Email
Ms. Ishee Science Teacher Email
Ms. Kilpatrick Science Teacher Email
Ms. Lemos Science Teacher Email
Ms. Martin Science Teacher Email
Ms. Milton TOK Teacher Email
Ms. Miraglia Science Teacher Email
Ms. Rambahali Science Teacher Email
Mr. Smith Science Teacher Email
Mr. Tinus Science Teacher Email
Mr. Ward Science Teacher Email

Social Studies

Mr. Aiken History Teacher Email
Ms. Case Psychology Teacher Email
Mr. DeVos History Teacher Email
Ms. Fertig History Teacher Email
Mr. Harris History Teacher Email
Mr. Hensley Psychology Teacher Email
Mr. Johnson History Teacher Email
Mr. Lee History Teacher Email
Ms. Mazzotta History Teacher Email
Mr. McKennnon History Teacher Email
Mr. Miller History Teacher Email
Mr. Phillips History Teacher Email
Mr. Tomlinson History Teacher Email
Mr. Tusing History Teacher Email
Ms. M. Williams History Teacher Email