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Co-op (Executive Internship) and On-Campus Intern (VPS/Peer Counseling) Course Information

Instructor: Jaime Combs /

*A reminder to off campus internship students: during your periods of off campus Executive Internship, you are not permitted to be on campus for any reason*

If you would like text reminders for monthly paperwork due dates, text the code @pprwork24 to 81010 to receive text alerts.


See the Executive Internship (Co-op) Syllabus here:Co-op Syllabus 2024-25

On-Campus Internship (VPS/Peer Counseling) Course Syllabus here: On-Campus Internship Syllabus 2024-25


In Executive Internship/Co-op, students can earn High School credit by working for pay at a business or volunteering for a registered non-profit off-campus on a consistent basis during the school year.  Students can take up to four periods of Executive Internship over the course of their high school career.  Students cannot “double dip” by submitting hours for the Executive Internship course and turn in the same hours for the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship.

In On-Campus Internship, students can spend a period assisting at a location on Nease’s campus, through the Voluntary Public Service and Peer Counseling courses.  Each are a half-credit course that students can take one time over the course of their high school career. Students do not earn any volunteer service hours in VPS/Peer Counseling, as they are earning a grade for the course.

For both Executive Internship/Co-op & On-Campus Internship students, required monthly paperwork is due the last TUESDAY of each  month!  On-campus interns must turn in a supervisor evaluation form.  Executive Internship/Co-op students must turn in a supervisor evaluation form and a copy of paystubs or timesheets which prove he/she worked the minimum required number of hours for the month (5 hours per week, per period of Executive Internship).  Forms can be dropped of in the turn-in bin at the Internship Station, located inside the front office, or students can take photos/screenshots of the completed form and paystubs/timesheets/schedules (if in Co-op) and send them in a direct message to Mrs. Combs via Schoology.

Monthly Required Paperwork Due Dates for the 2024-25 School Year: August 27th, September 24th, October 29th, November 19th, December 17th, January 28th, February 25th, March 25th, April 29th, May—Senior date and underclassmen date will differ

Print off your monthly Supervisor Evaluation Sheet Here:

Executive Internship (co-op) Supervisor Form: Off Campus Supervisor Evaluation Form 2024-2025

V.P.S/On-Campus Internship Supervisor Form: On Campus Supervisor Evaluation Form 2024-2025

New Employer Form for Co-op Students who get a new job: Executive Internship New Employer Form